Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday Funday

It is Sunday here in New York, which for many Sex and the City characters would signal a need for a girls brunch at a favorite cafe. For me, however, this Sunday morning was spent sleeping in until 10, sitting in my pajamas until 1pm, and successfully watching enough Scandal that I began to wonder if Netflix might have developed some kind of notification system without telling anyone, in which my mother would soon be receiving an alert that I apparently hadn’t moved in many hours and she should call someone to check on me.

In any case, come 3 o’clock, it was time to add some glamour (and carbohydrates) to my day, and so I jumped up and googled the nearest Panera. What ho! Only 20 minutes on the subway and bread soaked in broccoli cheese soup a healthy salad would be making its way into my body! Time to prepare!

I jumped through the shower, let my hair air dry and put on minimal makeup, because, Sunday. After a 20-minute facebook check during which time I forgot that I had put underwear on and was alarmed when I stood up and felt something on my butt, (This is an overshare, isn’t it?) I was finally ready to get dressed and go to Panera. Here's the thing, though. New Yorkers walk a lot and I had worn some rather impractical shoes on my saturday trip to [insert something that sounds more glam than Forever21 and Best Buy], so I wasn’t really into the idea of wearing anything other than tennis shoes. Of course, I didn’t want to look like a tourist, and I might be new to New York, but if I know anything, it is that tennis shoes are a sure sign of tourist-hood. So, naturally, I threw on some yoga apparel and my nikes and out the door I went. And, no, the hilarity of the fact that I put on work out clothing to go to Panera is not lost on me.

I arrived at the pearly gates of heaven  fast food restaurant at around 4:30pm. This was actually ideal because there was no line. I stepped up to the counter and rambled off my order... to which, the employee replied "You realize that comes with two pieces of bread?" While my brain screamed "SHUT UP JUDGE JUDY" at the poor young woman, my actual mouth managed a coy "oh does it? okay, I'll have some for tomorrow..." PHEW I've covered well. Nice job.


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